Almost there...Peace is just one click away..

50 %

Feel confident using herbal medicine & holistic strategies to feel energized, calm enough to sleep and balanced again; even if you're breastfeeding or your children are older.

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So many of us struggle after childbirth with no answers.

With The Present Momma, we use the 5-step framework to feel calm, refreshed, and balanced again with diet, supplements, herbal medicine, nervous system regulation and gut healing - so you can pass these strategies on to your children so they don't experience anxiety.

What's included?

Instant access to full The Present Momma online learning platform (life of the program

Weekly Group Calls with Tara

Closed Facebook group to ask any questions you have

Done-For-You; 6-Week Postpartum Recovery Blueprint

{value $150}

After your purchase, you can book your 30 minute private call with Tara {value $150}

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100% Money Back Guarantee

No questions asked!

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No Questions Asked!

If you follow the program and don't feel like I've committed to the promise, just let me know in 6-week from your purchase and I will refund your money 100%!

What Our Customers Say

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